Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rule of Thirds

Another important aspect of photography is composition. There are multiple rules in composition and the first rule of thirds. Take a photo and divide it into thirds from top to bottom equally. Do this again but from right to left. Where the four lines intersect is where you want to place your center of visual interest.

You notice that the gray circles are at the intersections of the lines. An example photo is below.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Depth of Field

Depth of field is one of the most important aspects of photography. It enables a photographer to capture a specific part of a scene or the whole scene. It also allows for creativity.

This first photo has a narrow depth of field which is created by using a big aperture (f/1.8):

The next photo has a wide depth of field. Notice how the wing tip, pilot, and hangar are all in focus, that is because of a small aperture (f/16):

The Journey Begins

Well my photography journey starts here.